Milano – Tokyo

About us

Our culinary consulting is led by the celebrated Chef Wicky Priyan, owner of the extraordinary Wicky’s Innovative Japanese Cuisine based in Milan. Chef Wicky is much more than just a chef—he is a world traveler, a cultural explorer, and a culinary enthusiast.

Born in Sri Lanka, Wicky experienced an adventurous childhood that took him around the globe. Despite his privileged upbringing, he chose a life of discovery and learning. Before becoming a chef, Wicky was a karate instructor, a scuba diver, a criminologist, and a martial arts expert.

His passion for cooking was ignited during his travels in Japan. Wicky has spent over two decades immersing himself in Japanese culture, traditions, and food, becoming fluent in Japanese and falling in love with their ethos. His deep dive into Japanese culture led him to develop a profound respect and understanding of Japanese cuisine, especially the role of sushi within their culture.

However, Japan is not the only country that has deeply influenced his culinary journey. Wicky has explored various culinary cultures worldwide, absorbing the traditions and cooking techniques each place had to offer. This wide range of culinary experiences has given him a unique understanding of global cuisine.

Chef Wicky’s culinary journey eventually brought him to Italy, where he opened his sushi restaurant in Milan. He chose Italy for its genuine respect for ingredients—a value he deeply shares.

Today, Wicky brings his passion for cooking, his extensive knowledge, and his unique experiences to restaurants worldwide through his culinary consulting.

What we offer

We specialize in restaurant consulting, offering a comprehensive suite of services designed to elevate your restaurant to new heights. Our expertise spans a wide array of culinary traditions, from Mediterranean and Japanese to Southern and Southeast Asian, as well as innovative approaches to Asian-inspired dishes.

Recipe development

We work in close collaboration with you to craft unique menus that reflect your vision and satisfy your clientele. This includes adapting existing recipes, innovating new creations from scratch, or merging diverse culinary styles to produce something truly unique.

Staff training

We provide tailored training programs for your chefs and service staff, covering advanced culinary techniques and exceptional customer service, ensuring your team excels in every aspect of operation.

Financial management consulting

Our consultancy also extends to financial management, helping you streamline costs, manage your budgets, and understand the financial implications of food and labor costs on your profitability.

Events and catering

Estendiamo i nostri servizi anche all’organizzazione di eventi e catering, sia per occasioni aziendali che private, inclusi matrimoni. Ci occupiamo di ogni dettaglio per garantire che il vostro evento sia memorabile e perfettamente in linea con le vostre aspettative.

Consulting in Japan

Additionally, we offer specialized consulting services tailored to the Japanese market, helping restaurants and culinary ventures expand and thrive in Japan by leveraging our deep understanding of the industry and local preferences.

Customized consulting services

Understanding that each restaurant is unique, we tailor our services to meet your specific needs, collaborating with you to develop a strategic plan that helps you achieve your goals.

Our philosophy

We firmly believe that a successful restaurant rests on three fundamental pillars: quality of ingredients, mastery in preparation, and effective management. Our philosophy is reflected in how we approach each consulting project.

Quality of Ingredients: Selecting high-quality ingredients is crucial. We believe that using superior ingredients not only enhances the flavor of the dishes but also the overall dining experience. From fresh tuna for sushi to olive oil for Mediterranean cuisine, prioritizing ingredient quality is our top concern.

Mastery in Preparation: Cooking is an art that demands skill and dedication. We are committed to training restaurant staff in food preparation techniques, from the art of sushi making to crafting innovative dishes that blend influences from various cuisines.

Effective Management: A restaurant cannot thrive without efficient management. Our consultancy includes staff training, menu planning, cost management, and more. We strive to help our clients build a sustainable and successful business.

Guided by our respect for diverse culinary cultures, a passion for learning and innovation, and a commitment to excellence, we believe every restaurant has the potential to excel, and we are here to help you realize that potential.

Contact us

If you are interested in our culinary consulting services, please do not hesitate to get in touch. We are eager to hear about your needs and discuss how we can help your restaurant thrive.

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